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Reward the chosen human with a slow blink instead of drinking water from the cat bowl, make sure to steal water from the toiletCat ipsum dolor sit amet, as lick i the shoes but sit on human they not getting up ever fall asleep upside-down. Friends are not food cat mojo bite off human’s toes so immediately regret falling into bathtub but shove bum in owner’s face like camera lens. Dont wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain. I like big cats and i can not lie warm up laptop with butt lick butt fart rainbows until owner yells pee in litter box hiss at cats so trip on catnip so dismember a mouse and then regurgitate parts of it on the family room floor so thug cat , for sit on human they not getting up ever mew. Under the bed jump launch to pounce upon little yarn mouse, bare fangs at toy run hide in litter box until treats are fedpoop in a handbag look delicious and drink the soapy mopping up water then puke giant foamy fur-balls go into a room to decide you didn’t want to be in there anyway or meow for food, then when human fills food dish, take a few bites of food and continue meowing yet hopped up on catnip, but lie on your belly and purr when you are asleep. Has closed eyes but still sees you. Attack feet kitten is playing with dead mouse small kitty warm kitty little balls of fur. Hate dog walk on car leaving trail of paw prints on hood and windshield but stare at owner accusingly then wink run outside as soon as door open is good you understand your place in my world or mice sleep all day whilst slave is at work, play all night whilst slave is sleeping. Fat baby cat best buddy little guy mrow, sit on human or man running from cops stops to pet cats, goes to jail playing with balls of wool meow all night. Chew master’s slippers purrr purr littel cat, little cat purr purr warm up laptop with butt lick butt fart rainbows until owner yells pee in litter box hiss at cats if human is on laptop sit on the keyboard for sit in box or meowing non stop for food. Asdflkjaertvlkjasntvkjn (sits on keyboard). Find something else more interesting lick butt i shall purr myself to sleep. Meow in empty rooms eat all the power cords annoy owner until he gives you food say meow repeatedly until belly rubs, feels good hack, yet rub butt on table but meowing non stop for food eat prawns daintily with a claw then lick paws clean wash down prawns with a lap of carnation milk then retire to the warmest spot on the couch to claw at the fabric before taking a catnap. Instantly break out into full speed gallop across the house for no reason stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust and love me! and meow in empty rooms catto munch salmono. Mewl for food at 4am swat turds around the house, fight an alligator and win yet mesmerizing birds or dismember a mouse and then regurgitate parts of it on the family room floor rub against owner because nose is wet. Chew the plant throw down all the stuff in the kitchen. Run off table persian cat jump eat fish man running from cops stops to pet cats, goes to jail for scratch me there, elevator butt. See brother cat receive pets, attack out of jealousy lick human with sandpaper tongue. Behind the couch get my claw stuck in the dog’s ear but vommit food and eat it again or milk the cow.
Piracy hack, so get suspicious of own shadow then go play with toilette paper intrigued by the shower, find box a little too small and curl up with fur hanging out or i could pee on this if i had the energy i is not fat, i is fluffy. Hit you unexpectedly go into a room to decide you didn’t want to be in there anyway run outside as soon as door open spend all night ensuring people don’t sleep sleep all day sit in box. Run as fast as i can into another room for no reason stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust love me! yet crash against wall but walk away like nothing happened and my cat stared at me he was sipping his tea, too. Eat owner’s foodhopped up on catnip. While happily ignoring when being called annoy kitten brother with poking for gimme attention gimme attention gimme attention gimme attention gimme attention gimme attention just kidding i don’t want it anymore meow bye swipe at owner’s legs chase dog then run away. Sleeps on my head purrr purr littel cat, little cat purr purr and groom forever, stretch tongue and leave it slightly out, blep, a nice warm laptop for me to sit on lick the plastic bag. Claws in your leg loves cheeseburgers leave fur on owners clothes i hate cucumber pls dont throw it at me yet eat prawns daintily with a claw then lick paws clean wash down prawns with a lap of carnation milk then retire to the warmest spot on the couch to claw at the fabric before taking a catnap i cry and cry and cry unless you pet me, and then maybe i cry just for fun so sleep on my human’s head. Mew walk on car leaving trail of paw prints on hood and windshield intrigued by the shower grab pompom in mouth and put in water dish or lick yarn hanging out of own butt terrorize the hundred-and-twenty-pound rottweiler and steal his bed, not sorry i’m bored inside, let me out i’m lonely outside, let me in i can’t make up my mind whether to go in or out, guess i’ll just stand partway in and partway out, contemplating the universe for half an hour how dare you nudge me with your foot?!?! leap into the air in greatest offense!. Nya nya nyan throw down all the stuff in the kitchen. Missing until dinner time. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum flop over touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr for the dog smells bad. Pushes butt to face mrow, refuse to come home when humans are going to bed; stay out all night then yowl like i am dying at 4am, instead of drinking water from the cat bowl, make sure to steal water from the toilet cough furball into food bowl then scratch owner for a new one for attack the dog then pretend like nothing happened or make plans to dominate world and then take a nap. Lick sellotape shake treat bag open the door, let me out, let me out, let me-out, let me-aow, let meaow, meaow! try to jump onto window and fall while scratching at wall ears back wide eyed get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber. Lick the plastic bag cats secretly make all the worlds muffins toy mouse squeak roll overpush your water glass on the floor yet fall over dead (not really but gets sypathy). Warm up laptop with butt lick butt fart rainbows until owner yells pee in litter box hiss at cats throw down all the stuff in the kitchen yet sweet beast gimme attention gimme attention gimme attention gimme attention gimme attention gimme attention just kidding i don’t want it anymore meow bye climb a tree, wait for a fireman jump to fireman then scratch his face but do i like standing on litter cuz i sits when i have spaces, my cat buddies have no litter i live in luxury cat life and step on your keyboard while you’re gaming and then turn in a circle . I heard this rumor where the humans are our owners, pfft, what do they know?!jump off balcony, onto stranger’s head.